Saturday, April 18, 2009

Week 2

Weekly Update

I can't say enough about how helpful it was and will be to be able to read everyone's blogs and communicate with everyone.  I enjoyed reading everyone's blogs and trying to leave comments for everyone.  
I also had a small "freak out"  when I viewed the Powerpoint presentation on out plan for the thesis.  Just overwhelmed until I broke it down and told myself Dr. Newberry wasn't expecting it this week!
I also began my literature search on my topic.  Didn't get too far, and I think a trip to the library is coming in the near future.

Pre Thesis 

Reading Heidi's thought's throughout this whole process and vice versa is going to be a very valuable tool.  We seem to be looking at the same problems at our schools.   Heidi and I both teach in San Bernardino and our schools share pretty much the same demographics.  We have the same parent packet that goes out every year.  It is so intimidating and long for me to read, I can't imagine what it's like for our parents.  
I have been talking to my principal about this plan since the fall, and recently he asked if it was going to be done by July! I said sure, of 2011! I also have talked a little to my MODEL team.  I will be sitting down with them in the near future and discussing ways they can help me with the project.  I also want to put a small questionaire with our parent packet in July.  I would originally like to find out what information are the parents really interested in.  Like Heidi wrote, I think I'll leave the sexual harassment talk to the paper.   I want to be able to introduce the staff, something that can easily be changed from year to year on the video, but keep the core set up the same.  I want to highlight all the specialized programs our school has for their students, as well as invite the parents to attend our daily parent classes and ESL classes that we offer.  It's been a challenge for our school for years on how to find ways to make our school more accessible and comforting for parents.  A lot of parents are intimidated by the school, and I'm hoping this presentation video will make it more inviting for them, and ultimately, beneficial for their children.

 Goals for the near future:
  1. Meet with MODEL team to explore ideas for presentation 
  2. Generate survey for parents about parent handbook.
  3. Continue finding literature about parent participation.
  4. Visit the library.


  1. Hi Scott...

    I don't know if you read my latest post, but I introduced my thesis project to the staff meeting and got a good response from everyone. They are just as excited about the project than I am. What overwhelmed me a bit was their sharing of ideas. It was almost as a focus group was giving their input. Now I feel pressured to make sure all the needs are presented in the presentation. I might have to hurt a few feelings because it just seems like a lot. Let me know when you start developing your project. We should share ideas. What are you planning on making your presentation with? I think I am going to stick with iMovie. Good Luck!

  2. Hi Scott,
    I like the idea of connecting parents to the school. Heidi is dealing with it at a Kinder level and she has the support of the parents even if they don't have the training. It gets harder at your level because for some parents, the students are already past their level of education or skill. Skill would be a better word. I teach at a Middle School and the math is already past many parents ability level. A few years ago we had a teacher offer math nights for parents but had low participation. I am looking forward to see how your project progresses.

  3. "I have been talking to my principal about this plan since the fall, and recently he asked if it was going to be done by July! I said sure, of 2011!"

    I love that response. I think sometimes people don't realize how long completing any sort of design/training project takes. I was speaking with my department head the other day about one of my other thesis ideas, and she said it sounds great can you present next month. In some ways, while it is absurdly funny on the outside, I think it points to a larger issue in education. We seem to be so used to mediocre presentations that were thrown together over a weekend that we come to expect all trainings as being cursory at best. I know I've been to so many "trainings" that were one hour with some new program, and we were expected to get it and use it. Needless to say, many of those programs still aren't being used.

  4. Hi Scott,
    I'm right there with ya on the "freaking out" part. I was feeling totally overwhelmed about my project and the time available to do it in, etc. After I took a breath and said "OM" a few times, I realized I've been working on this project for years and now it's just a matter of putting it into a form that OTHER people can see. It sounds like you are off to a great start and there is certainly a lot of demand for your product pent up in the system which is great. An idea whose time has come!
