Monday, May 25, 2009

Week 7

I believe I have fixed the link.  It's not nearly as pretty and smooth as I would like, but it works!  

Application is still a work in progress.

I spent the week completing my IRB process proposal.
Link isn't working as of yet.  I'm going to master this soon! 

This week will be time to continue to work on my prototyping and meet with a couple of more of my focus groups.  

Hope everyone had a safe and relaxing weekend.


  1. Hey, Scott. I tried to click on your proposal link and it is giving me a Not Found error. Looks like the link is broke. Bill

  2. Wow, getting frustrated trying to fix that link. Maybe I should stop trying to fix it this late at night! I've tried editing it in Adobe COntribute, have had it as an html, docx, and a pdf. Anyone see anything obvious I'm missing? Edited the type and everything else fine on my site, but the link is fighting me!

  3. You must have figured it out Scott as it works for me. Looks good.
