Sunday, May 31, 2009

Week 8

Trying to find an uninterrupted 2 hour block to finish my CITI training.  That might have to wait for work.  OK, that CITI training was impossible to do in two hours and the 98% passing score was ridiculous.  I learned a lot about the processes however.

Plugging away at my "working" model of my project.  Trying to lay out the order I want the video and the flow to go.  Having a hard time picturing what I want without any pictures or video shot yet.  I am hoping the modernization at our school is completed quickly so I don't have to show my tour of my school under construction.


  1. I saw your comment on my blog...I asked the question through an e-mail to Dr. Newberry. Still waiting to hear what he has to say.

    I also have an idea of what I want on the DVD, but it's going to be difficult because there are going to be some switches of teachers at our school...maybe even including myself. It's tough going off for the summer because I don't have the teachers there off hand to do the video shots. So it's going to be crunch time when school starts back up in August.

  2. Scott, I know what you mean about finding 2 consecutive hours to get the CITI done. It took me closer to 3, but I am slow.
    Have you thought about making a "movie story board" (just made that title up). Setup generic props and create a video with them. You can use the props to do labeling and intros and such. Edit in the real video when you have it. That helps me sometimes to put things together before I have to start getting people involved, and it gives me something real I can see. Good luck!

  3. Hey Scott, figure more like 3 hours for the CITI training. It was long and painful. It gets pretty repetative towards the end.
    I agree with Bill about the storyboard for the movie. Keep it basic for now.

  4. I love the idea of a "movie story board." I picture a whole Barbie and Ken movie being played out. Not that I have any Barbies or Kens, I mean my, uh-hum, daughter has some...
